St. David's Harbor, Grenada - Dec 2016

I’m back at Hog Island in Grenada after two weeks in Texas. The time in Texas helped me shake up things here in the islands. I had spent a couple of weeks anchored over at St. David’s Harbor near Grenada Marina, hanging out with a 30 year old guy who was a mix between Alexander Supertramp (minus the dying part), and the biggest treehugger you’ve ever met. I spent my time working on boat projects, cooking, endless debating (for the fun of it?!), and some hiking. I think we got to the bottom of everything in the world there was to debate. I am not sure if the debates effected either one of our opinions that much, but I did appreciate having to reconstruct what I think about things and why I think it.

A theme that has emerged through my solo sails and time spent with my friend is self reliance. It seems to be common to learn many sports and hobbies through experts today, and thusly, there is a right way to do things. This seems to fall apart when you are on your own. The right way to do things may not always be available; sometimes you must improvise, be creative, work around, and keep persisting, and in the end, no one is judging you for what you’ve manage to do.

So, after 2 weeks of Texas: spending time with family and some old friends, here I am at Hog again.

How long can you stay in one spot? In the back of my mind, I have a lurking fear of stagnation, that pops up every time I find life repeating itself. Quiet moments that don’t link to some end goal or purpose can often sink into some kind of lonely hole.

Looking out at St. David’s Harbor from Grenada Marine.

Hiking with Sean near St. David’s Harbor