Toilet kits vs Oru Kayaks

Since I'm doing this sailboat adventure on a shoe string budget, I'm being faced with the sometimes hard-to-swallow reality that I can't buy many of the things I'd like to have.

Here are a few of the things experienced cruisers Tom and Sabrina have told me are more necessary to purchase:

  • toilet rebuild kits,
  • extra impellers for the dinghy engine,
  • a good multimeter,
  • joy dish soap for self-washing,
  • waterproof bags
  • nav charts
  • a really good utility knife
  • sturdy locks

And here is a list of what I'd really prefer to purchase:

  • Wifi booster,
  • New phone and phone service,
  • Go board and instructional books
  • A guitar
  • Garmin GPSMap Chartplotter
  • Stand up paddle board (Hail, )
  • Delorme InReach 2-way GPS tracker
  • Oru Kayak!

Oru Kayak - Coast series!

Have you guys seen this Oru Kayak? It's an incredibly light, but seemingly durable, origami-inspired folding kayak. Since I've spent a couple hours ogling over it on the internet and reading reviews, it's been following me in ads all over the web!

In my Facebook feed, in the Prius Chat Forum, there with Obama in the BBC news, and as the final picture of the okCupid guy's profile: Oru Kayak ads.

Tired of watching Mr. Obama? Buy an Oru Kayak.

I've been watching craigslist postings in multiple cities for a used Oru. Unfortunately, I was too slow to contact a posting in Denver for a Bay series kayak + paddle for $800. The kayak was snatched up within a day by someone else! However, even at $500+ cheaper than retail price, I still not sure I can justify spending that much money on a kayak.

I'm going to have to stick with Mr. Money Mustache's technique of being a procrastinating shopper (the "Purchase Procrastination Program"). That is, I won'tbuy anything until it's proven that I really HAVE to have it. It's not ideal, as there will be limited options for buying things like kayaks in Grenada. It seems you're lucky to pick up a second hand sit-on-top kayak there. But I'll not be helping myself out on this strict budget thing if I arrive to Grenada with all the toys.